Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Limited
About Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Limited
Advance Resources offers professional and efficient HR solution. We are member of various Hong Kong association such as HKGCC, HKiHRM, HKGCSMB, IEA & etc. Our team possesses decades of human resources and commercial experience in various sectors we specialized in. We understand client’s corporate culture and values, and embrace them in our business practices. We are honest, fair and we work with integrity. We often play a vital and value-added role in the fulfillment of the corporate vision and strategies of our clients.
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Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Ltd. was established in 1994, and became one of
the leading recruitment and head hunting companies in Hong Kong. With our fast expansion in
the past years, we have consolidated all our business units, and formed Advance Resources Consulting Group Ltd. Besides, we are honoured to be member of various Hong Kong associations
such as HKGCC, HKiHRM, HKGCSMB, IEA & etc.
Our firm specializes in financial services markets, particularly in retail and commercial banks,
fund house, asset management, general and life insurance, pension,
Information Technology (IT), engineering, Government and Public Sector.
Value Proposition
Advance Resources Consulting Group (ARCG) provides clients with peace of mind and an ability to focus on growing their business with extended and strong outsourced HR functions to
Attract, Retain, Collaborate and Grow (ARCG) their desired talents and leaders.
Attract: Attract the right talents to clients’ organization to support growth in alignment with their business strategy.
Retain: Retain and recognize talents and future leaders necessary for growing the organization and business.
Collaborate: Collaborate with clients to engage their talents and future leaders through various measures to strengthen their organizational shared values.
Grow: Grow clients’ identified talents and future leaders through various training and performance management measures to uplift both soft and hard skills, supporting business and organizational strategies and objectives.
Vision & Mission
We believe that our clients and candidates are our asset.
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